My personal website for any blog posts, code examples, whatever I feel like posting.


Matt Shepherd

Matt Shepherd

Recent Posts:

Adventures Into Pixel Art

Mar 9, 2016

My programmer art has always been basic and very crude. Early attempts at pixel art back in my GameMaker 6 days was either flat shaded lines and circles, or roughly traces of sprites from other games. I stumbled across a tutorial on youtube describing how to create simple repeating tiles. I followed along using a mouse and over the course of a couple of hours I put together a small tile set for a castle/dungeon: A Simple Tileset Putting this together into a simple map: A Test Map I was pretty pleased with the result, and I was surprised by how easy it was to put together (especially the simple repeating tiles).

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Site Created

Sep 25, 2015

I’ve now set up github pages to host my site, which allows github users to have a personal static website at the url: <username> I’m also using Hugo to generate the static site. Hugo is a static site generator, that generates your site from a collection of markdown files, a theme and a configuration file. Because my github pages site is also a git repository, the entire source for the site can be view on github.

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